CAHSC Success Stories
Open doors to opportunities, home visiting helps!

The families who participate in home visiting can take many shapes and come from different walks of life. Home visiting programs provide personalized support by connecting pregnant women and families to a support person who promotes nurturing home environments and encourages healthy child development.

That is why here ― at Healthy Start ― we work individually with families to determine the right support, resources, and services needed to ensure a healthy pregnancy, healthy birth, and healthy baby.

Benefits of Home Visiting:

During and after pregnancy, home visiting programs promote maternal health by helping mothers schedule regular doctor’s visits, improve diets, reduce stress levels, and quit smoking or substance use. Babies benefit as well. One study found that mothers who participated in a home visiting program were half as likely to have a baby born with low birthweight, which greatly reduced these babies’ risk for health and developmental problems.

Home-visiting programs promote positive parenting practices that help parents better prepare their children for school. Parents learn about developmental milestones and fun activities that help babies learn and grow. Research shows parents enrolled in home visiting programs are more likely to have a safe play environment at home, provide age-appropriate books, and engage children in structured teaching activities. Home visiting programs have also demonstrated long-term, positive impacts on children’s academic achievement.

Home visiting programs are associated with reduced rates of child maltreatment and injuries. In one program, children of participating families experienced 40 percent fewer injuries between the ages of 2 to 4, and they were 35 percent less likely to visit an emergency room compared to children not enrolled. Mothers who participate in home visits also have lower stress levels and increased sensitivity during interactions with their children.

Compared to their counterparts, parents enrolled in home visiting have higher monthly incomes, are more likely to be enrolled in school, and are more likely to be employed.

Studies have found that high-quality home visiting programs for at-risk families have a $5.70 return for every tax dollar spent from reduced spending for health care and welfare services. Another study of a home visiting program in Durham, North Carolina reported saving $3.00 for every $1.00 spent on the program during an infant’s first 6 months due to reduced emergency care visits.