Walk to Remember

Another way families that have had a loss can receive support is through the Coalition’s “Walk to Remember”. This event is held each year in October to observe National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. The Walk is dedicated to our local grieving families and to their departed children (no matter how long ago or recently the loss occurred). All families and their friends in the community are welcome to participate at no cost.


Due to COVID-19, this year’s event will be held virtually via Zoom. 

  • Non-denominational service
  • Presentation of babies’ names
  • Stories of hope and healing
  • Moment of silence


If you are interested in attending the 2020 Virtual Walk to Remember, please fill out the form below. Once submitting the form, we will send you a confirmation email and your candle and/or quilt kits will be sent to the provided address. The Zoom meeting link will be emailed closer to the time of the event. This is a closed event to those registered, but it will be recorded.


If you are interested in sponsoring the 2020 Virtual Walk to Remember, please contact Christine DeFreze
at  christine@capitalareahealthystart.org.

 “Walk to Remember gives parents the opportunity to honor the babies they have lost,” says Kristy Goldwire, former Executive Director of Capital Area Healthy Start Coalition. “At this event, families come together to share their stories and help one another cope with the pain of losing a baby.”